The Kreutzer Sonata

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The Kreutzer Sonata (Quale amore)

The Kreutzer Sonata (Quale amore)

The Kreutzer Sonata (Quale amore)

original title:

Quale amore

directed by:


Giorgio Pasotti, Vanessa Incontrada, Magda Mercatali, Arnoldo Foà, Maria Schneider, Andoni Gracia, Timothy Martin, Giorgia Ferrero, Alessandro Demcenko, Giovanni Capaldo, Nico Bonavolontà, Elsa Kudelka, Stefano Patrizi, Marco Solari, Chantal Martinoni, Marino Masè, Claudia Della Gatta, Fabrizio Bono, Daniele Marcelli, Rossella Zampiron

set design:

costume design:


Lumière & Co., Rai Cinema, Amka Films Productions, supported by Ministero della Cultura, in collaboration with RTSI - Swiss Television

world sales:





film run:



35mm - colour

aspect ratio:



Dolby SRD

release date:


festivals & awards:

The turn of events which push a young man named Andrea to kill his wife Antonia, a famous pianist who had given up her artistic career for love. In a big international airport shut down because of a snowstorm, Andrea, travelling to the U.S. after having served half of his prison term in a criminal asylum in Switzerland, to meet up with his children for the first time after the uxoricide, tells his tormented life tale to an unknown travelling companion.
Born to a wealthy powerful family working in international high finance, destined to follow in the family business, at a concert one evening, he is awakened to passion and love when he is struck by the beauty of a pianist named Antonia who not only thanks to her beauty but also through her music stirs the emotions of all of her listeners. Antonio immediately decides to marry her, even against the will of his mother. Three children are born, there are worries, one of the children suffers from poor health, the passion wanes, the marriage turns into a routine. Antonia feels confined in her role as a mother and wants to go back to her old life filled with music and creativity. She meets a talented violinist Daniel Chavarria, she takes up her piano playing again, she begins to live again. For Andrea this sudden change will cause his greatest fear of coming true : his wife will no longer belong to him, maybe she is cheating on him. For someone who conceives married love as a bond which can not be deserted, there is only one solution, he must kill his wife on order to preserve the pureness of their love. A murder which is not caused by some homicidal madness but which is calculated by a lucid mind who needs to be absolutely certain of the outcome.
Freely adapted from the book "Sonata a Kreutzer" by Lev Tolstoj.