Trieste è bella di notte by Andrea Segre, Stefano Collizzolli, Matteo Calore
The choice by Carlo Augusto Bachschmidt
The Dream and the Violence by Daniele Gaglianone, Stefano Collizzolli
Last stop before Chocolate Mountain by Susanna Della Sala
Mother lode by Matteo Tortone
Po by Andrea Segre
Il tempo rimasto by Daniele Gaglianone
There is nothing special here by Davide Crudetti
All our worries by Davide Crudetti, Paola di Mitri
day the night, One by Michele Aiello, Michele Cattani
Dove bisogna stare by Daniele Gaglianone
Il pianeta in mare by Andrea Segre
Isis, tomorrow. The lost souls of Mosul by Francesca Mannocchi, Alessio Romenzi
I villani by Daniele De Michele
Felicity Road by Martina di Tommaso
Ibi by Andrea Segre
Dreams of the Salt Lake by Andrea Segre
Limbo by Matteo Calore, Gustav Hofer
Container 158 by Stefano Liberti, Enrico Parenti
Undue Debt by Andrea Segre
Italy: love it, or leave it by Gustav Hofer, Luca Ragazzi
Mare chiuso by Stefano Liberti, Andrea Segre
The Green Blood by Andrea Segre
Like a Man on the earth by Andrea Segre, Dagmawi Yimer