Babel Film Festival

9th Edition

Babel Film Festival

when:June 2nd - 7th, 2025
address:c/o Società Umanitaria
Sa Manifattura
Viale Regina Margherita, 33
IT-09125 Cagliari
tel:+39 070 278630
deadline:December 31st, 2024
entry form:Submission at

BABEL FILM FESTIVAL aims to enhance and promote flm productons that express linguistc minorites and the uniqueness of their stories, culture and language; to foster the comparison among diferent communites that recognize themselves as belonging to a linguistc minority; to ofer visibility to the works of each flm-maker and voice to his or her language. The competton is open to flms whose dialogue and scripts are in a minority language, a slang, a dead language or a sign language.
The competton is open to every flm producton, without limits related to producton date, genre, theme, format and technique, either if distributed in cinemas or in the home-video market, in Italy or abroad, or unreleased. The only conditon to partcipate is the language used in the script and the dialogue: it has to be the expression of a cultural and/or social linguistc minority. The minority language has to be used at least for 50% of the dialogue and script.
If the minority language is present to a lesser extent than 50%, the flm may be accepted, at the discreton of the Commitee, in one of the side compettons.
In the Ofcial Secton and in the Side Sectons the following distnctons will be acknowledged:
Ficton Short Film (45 minutes max.)
Documentary Short Film (45 minutes max.)
Ficton or Documentary Feature Length Film (over 45 minutes)
The flms that present hybrid features between documentary and fcton will be awarded at the discreton of the BabelFF Commission as documentaries or fcton.
The flms have to be subttled in Italian or, at least, English.
The Babel Film Festval has two main sectons:
The official section consists of the flms selected by the BabelFF Commission and entrusted to the judgment of the ofcial jury – the one called Babel – for the allocaton of the three main awards, called "Maestrale Awards". Only flms in which the minority language is at least 50% of dialogues and texts are admited to this secton. The Babel Jury confers the following awards:
"Maestrale" Award Best Feature Film
"Maestrale" Award Best Short Documentary
"Maestrale" Award best Short Ficton
The side sectons are composed by specifc juries which can also evaluate flms in which the minority language is present in a proporton less than 50% of the dialogues and texts. The assignment of flms to side sectons is determined by the BabelFF Commission.
The Juries of the side sectons are as follows:
DIRITTO DI PAROLA Award, given by the high school students of Cagliari;
ITALYMBAS Award, given by the juries of the Italian language minorites to flms in the minority languages protected by the Law 482/1999;
UNICA City of Cagliari Award, given by the students of the University of Cagliari;
ONE WOR(L)D Award, given by a delegaton of asylum seekers in Sardinia;
L’AURA Award, given by a jury of members chosen by the flm school L’AURA of Ostana;
FICC Audience Award, given by the jury composed by the FICC cineclub associaton;
AAMOD Award, given by the Archivio Audiovisivo del Movimento Operaio e Democratco of Rome;
FEDIC Award, given by the FEDIC of Cagliari;
DIARI DI CINECLUB Award, given by the jury of the Diari di Cineclub online magazine.