Laceno d'Oro

49. Edition

Laceno d'Oro

when:December 1st - 8th, 2024
deadline:September 12th, 2024
entry form:Submission at

The Lacendo d’Oro Film Festival 2019 announces three contest categories: one for full-length and mediumlength films, one for short-movies and another one for documentaries.
The Festival is organized by the Cinematographic Culture Association ImmaginAzione in Avellino (Italy).
The call is open to movies produced and shot in any video format, regardless of the genre, and completed after the 1st of January 2018.
Works with a previous release in Italian cinemas or any online distribution, like streaming, in the Italian territory, will be excluded. National Previews will be privileged.
Contest categories:
1) CONCORSO LACENO D’ORO 44, medium and full-length films OVER 52’ minutes (from now on, in this call, we will refer to this category as the full-length one).
2) Contest for short-movies “Gli occhi sulla città” – VI Edition (short-movies UNDER 52’ minutes, including end credits).
· Each work will have to deal with issues related to urban spaces, environment and landscape in his own peculiar way. This “topic” can be discussed in total freedom. Each work, however, will have to question the extent to which moviemaking can tell, describe or even “predict” and outline contemporary cities transformations, their scenarios, perspectives and issues. Contestants are allowed to approach this topic in their own creative and original way.
3) CONCORSO LACENO D’ORO DOC, for documentaries of any length, with no theme restrictions.
Documentaries which will stand out for their experimental and innovative approach will be privileged.
Laceno d’oro Award/Occhi sulla città for Best Short-Movie, with the contribution of Cassa Rurale e Artigiana di Battipaglia – €1.500.000