International Education Film Festival

20. Edition

International Education Film Festival

where:Evreux, Normandy (France)
when:December 3rd - 7th, 2024
address:CEMEA, Association Nationale
Festival International du film d'éducation
24, rue Marc Seguin
F-75883 Paris cedex 18
tel:+33(0)1 53 26 24 07
deadline:May 21st, 2024
entry form:Online Submission

The Festival proposes a wide selection of short, medium-length and full-length feature films, whether fictional, animated or documentary.
The selected movies and their directors tackle major topics such as Education, Childhood and Youth, cultural and intergenerational transmission, and the fight against all types of discrimination, in the form of stories and experiences involving children, young people and grown-ups. These fiction, animated films and documentaries, no matter their format, are aimed at a wide audience made up of parents, educators, association managers, politicians or local communities, as well as any other citizen. The Festival also offers the possibility for young people to get involved in a great range of educational and cultural situations through the discovery and construction of images and stories. Several round-table panels and debates are organised during the Festival, involving movie directors and members of the audience. These provide a significant arena for discussion and the confrontation of different viewpoints. The Festival is thus a cultural space enabling the establishment of bonds between all the citizens concerned, as well as a space of invention open to all education players. It is also a space for "popular education", articulating the act of "watching" films with that of "talking" about them on the part of key specialists and participants, allowing a relentless discussion of Educational issues. The Festival favours the transmission of a living heritage made up of great European and international works, whether in Normandy, Metropolitan France and its overseas territories, in Europe and beyond, thanks to the "Festival Echoes" which consist in decentralised editions of the Festival, happening throughout the following year.

  • A Chiara by Jonas Carpignano: Compétition