LICHTER Filmfest Frankfurt International

18th Edition

LICHTER Filmfest Frankfurt International

where:Francoforte, Germania
when:April 22nd - 27th, 2025
address:Leipziger Str. 9
D-60487 Frankfurt am Main
deadline:January 20th, 2025
entry form:Online Submission

The LICHTER Film Festival Frankfurt International is a celebration of and for film. Carried by a high-quality regional as well as international programme, it shines a light on the facets of film art that too often miss out in the everyday of cinema and television.
LICHTER was born from the local film scene. Founded in 2008 by a group of filmmakers and film fans, it has developed from an event for a few from a pledged community in a homemade cinema housed in a studio, to an integral part of the (supra-)regional culture.
Following this, it seems even more important searching and supporting for an interface with other cultural institutions and artistic disciplines. The bridge between film, artistic means of expression and social dialogue makes LICHTER unique within German film festivals. Notable partners like the German Film museum or our partner cinema Mal Seh’n are not just venues, institutions such as the Cluster of Excellence Normative Orders of the Goethe University especially add to the content-related design of the extensive accompanying programme: In numerous workshops and discussions we question the socio-political explosive force of the yearly theme in a number of different ways. Meanwhile, the LICHTER ART AWARD launched in 2010 focuses closely on the field of video art and its current developments and directions on regional and international levels, while last-but-not-least the VR Storytelling Competition first launched in 2017 dedicates itself to the varieties of alternative realities.
Beyond festival time, LICHTER adds to the cultural life of Frankfurt and the Rhine-Main region significantly in a variety of formats like the open-air cinema Frankfurt, film and lecture series and other artistic happenings in the public space.
In 2018, the newly initiated category “Zukunft Deutscher Film” (Future German Film) also purposefully thinks beyond the borders of Hesse. The Initiative and Congress are dedicated to German filmmaking generally and specially and set the objective to work closely with influencers, agitators and relevant institutions in the field of film to reinforce the relevance of German cinematic art across the borders of the FRG.

  • After Work by Erik Gandini: Internationaler Langfilm

  • Amanda by Carolina Cavalli: Internationales Filmprogramm

  • Disco Boy by Giacomo Abbruzzese: Internationales Filmprogramm

  • Un'ora sola by Serena Corvaglia: Internationaler Kurzefilm

  • A Chiara by Jonas Carpignano: Internationales Filmprogramm

  • Alcarràs by Carla Simon: Internationales Filmprogramm

  • The Other Side by Roberto Minervini: International Competition Frontiers

  • The Interval by Leonardo Di Costanzo: Internationales Programm Stadt

  • Miele by Valeria Golino: Außerhalb des Wettbewerbs

  • Pretty Butterflies by Salvatore Mereu: Internationales Programm Stadt