where: | University of Arts, Tirana |
when: | May 10th - 17th, 2017 Last Edition |
address: | Pall.1 Maji, Shk.18/54 Tirana, Albania |
tel: | +355 699337607 |
email: | docutiff@gmail.com |
website: | www.tiranafilmfest.com/ |
DocuTIFF aims to encouraging documentary film production in Albania and to give more chances to our filmmakers finding cooperation and enabling mutual contacts with their colleagues in our region, to build up a favorable climate creation in Albania and wider in region for development and cooperation of such productions.
Open to any filmmaker from around the world DocuTIFF showcases the very best in documentary cinema from around the world, special programs & screenings, workshops & master classes, retro- spectives, homage & tributes, international guests together with Galá Awards and other special events. DocuTIFF invites all documentaries from established and debut filmmakers alike to submit their films in those categories: International Competition, Albanianan Competition.
2017 |
2016 |