How to make a Martini (first feature)

see also



How to make a Martini (Come si fa un Martini)

How to make a Martini (Come si fa un Martini)

Based on stories by Marina Mizzau, How to Make a Martini is a choral film built around a variety of short stories with interlocking plots.
The setting is Milan. The heart of the film takes place in a fashionable restaurant, on an early summer's evening.
Bruno and Francesca are a couple on the brink whose relationship could be summarized as "neither with you nor without you."
No subject is broached without becoming a battle of wills and a struggle to have the last word.
At the moment, it's a succulent plant that seems to be fueling their latest fights. But today they have to pretend they're the perfect, loving couple in an attempt to worm some money out of Luisa, Bruno's mother.
They really need it…