original title:
La strada spianata
directed by:
Adrienne-Marie Bini, Barbara Bonafaccia, Ilaria Caloisi, Duccio Camerini, Alessio Manuali, Giuseppe Castelluzzo, Francesca De Cupis, Angelo Desideri, Rita di Lello, Cristiana Gaggioli, Leonardo Gambardella, Lorenzo Garufo, Sam Kamal Kamel Gouda, Silvia Grossi, Fiammetta Iampieri, Marco La Fiandra, Diego Mancini, Fabio Mazzetti, Vincenzo Parisi, Attilio Passerani, Emanuela Petroni, Luigi Rendine, Francesco Rinaldi, Roberta Rinaldi, Pascale Saccone, Giulia Sebastianelli, Yulian Sotmari, Edoardo Spallazzi, Lorena Strano
Veronica De Michele, Duccio Camerini, Angelo Bastioni
Gianluca Cucchiara
La Casa dei Racconti, with the collaboration of Roma Lazio Film Commission
film run:
festivals & awards:
An aspiring bomber, an African piper and other penniless poor devils meet on the road walking between Sabina countryside and Rome (may be is someone just running away…?)
Report of a pointless and daring trip through Empire’s suburbia…on the trail of local legends, walking through the same road followed four centuries ago by Bernini’s columns, to reach San Peter’s Church in Rome.
La strada spianata is an “on foot comedy”, which intentionally doesn’t conform to market and to prearranged trends, it is a completely independent film, born by the passionate urgency of the writers, it becomes a reality due to the stubbornness of all people - the young and less young - who attended to this “hidden stream” project. It is a challenge, performing it was an exciting unanimous trip, exactly as the story we told.
The subject is the terrible and ridiculous situation in which Italy sits, the spiritual devastation of this Country, seen through the eyes of a group of “different” people : different for social status, for age, or for other people’s prejudice. And also seen through the perspective of Italian offended areas, in this case the wonderful Sabina, increasingly limited to be a dormitory of Rome.
These can be considered topics for a tragedy. But we build on them a comedy. A comedy to make smile, but not comforting or evasive at any cost. Who knows if we will be able to bypass the prevailing conformism in Italy, to give voice as we want to our little movie, proudly “different” , and no doubt very discordant from “the single thought” on how a comedy must be made in Italy.