The Family Jumble (second feature)

see also

official site


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The Family Jumble (La mia famiglia a soqquadro)

The Family Jumble (La mia famiglia a soqquadro)

The Family Jumble (La mia famiglia a soqquadro)

original title:

La mia famiglia a soqquadro

directed by:


set design:

costume design:






film run:



HD - colour

aspect ratio:


release date:


festivals & awards:

  • Bahamas International Film Festival 2016: World Cinema
  • Festival Skip City International 2016
  • Artelesia Film Festival 2016
  • Bahamas International Film Festival 2016
  • Festival Internazionale di Salerno 2017: Premio Speciale Lungometraggi
  • Festival di Busto Arsizio 2017: Made in ItalyMostra Internazionale del Cinema di Venezia 2018: Premio Leone di Vetro come Miglior Regista ed Eccellenza Veneta
  • Kinolub Festival 2018: Best Feature Film Award
  • Pulcinella Film Festival 2018: Premio Miglior Commedia Italiana
  • Cubo Festival 2018: Premio Miglior Soggetto
  • Festival Inventa un Film 2018: Premio Miglior Film

Martin is 11 years old and faces a new dimension: middle school. He soon realizes that in his classroom, he is the only one having parents still married. Through his schoolmates, Martin also learns the benefits of having divorced parents, like being constantly at the center of both attention and – most of all – both wallets. He grows tired of his boring life and finally makes a plan to have his parents splitting up.