The First Shall Be the Last

see also


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The First Shall Be the Last (I primi saranno gli ultimi)

The First Shall Be the Last (I primi saranno gli ultimi)

original title:

I primi saranno gli ultimi

directed by:






film run:



colour & b/w


Ready (06/02/2020)

In the July 1936 the Spanish Army led by Francisco Franco and backed by the Catholic Church, the conservative forces and the military aid from Hitler and Mussolini, rebels against the Republican Government of Spain leading to a civil war that lasted till April 1939.
International cooperation was extraordinary: almost 50 thousands antifascists rushed from all over the world to Spain in defense of the Republic.
This narrative documentary tells the authors’ journey made between 2015 and 2018 in search of the last republican voluntary fighters who were still alive to listen to their stories, their motivations as their heritage for future generations. The authors have met 8 men of different political views and bacgrounds (an italian socialist, a french republican, a canadian communist and libertarian, a spanish communist, three french communists and a very adventurous English democrat) united by the same unshakable commitment to freedom as something worth risking their lives for. They have met too an Italian fascist soldier that the destiny opposed to his cousin in the battle of Guadalajara.