Tears and Dreams

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Tears and Dreams

original title:

Tears and Dreams

directed by:







film run:





Ready (01/07/2019)

festivals & awards:

  • Dhaka International Film Festival 2020
  • Indie Vision Film Festival 2019
  • Cineotro Valparaiso 2019
  • Eurasia Yalta Film Fest 2019
  • Lulea International film Festival 2019
  • Indie Doc Pro 2019: Best Director
  • Festival Mundial de Cine de Vera Cruz 2019 - Award for Documentary
  • Picasso Einstein Buddha International Film Festival 2019: Best Cinematography
  • Vittoria Peace Film Festival 2019

"Then an uncle took me away, to a distant village, and they put the collar on me ... I was very small. Now I am 12 years old ". The story of those who try to wipe the tears of little girls like Stella, to make them dream again. A journey among the Burmese refugees Akha, the opium trafficking, the slavery of girls in the "giraffe women" village, the victims of trafficking, the friendship of a small group of nuns with a Buddhist monk.
In the Golden Triangle, a meeting point between Laos, Myanmar and Thailand, famous for the news even for illegal trafficking, stories of tears and dreams are intertwined. The Hakha, the Lahu, the Kajan are Burmese tribes of Chinese origin. Persecuted, often in extreme poverty, refugees without status ... The Sisters of Providence, three Burmese, one Chinese and one Brazilian, in collaboration with the Buddhist monk Ven. Chaiwat, engage in the path of dialogue and to give girls a dream. They work relentlessly against trafficking to make girls and boys free from the chains of slavery and the consequences of drugs ... Now they have a dream: to build a restaurant, the "Inn of Happiness", to give girls a future.