Wells of hope

see also

International Trailer

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Wells of hope

original title:

Wells of hope

directed by:


Nassim Alwan, sr. Annie Demerjian, Marie Rummam, sr. Gabriella Bottani, sr. Marie Claude Naddaf, Wafa Makhamreh, Esraa Alshyab, Shadi Olyan, Lia Beltrami







film run:





Ready (07/09/2020)

festivals & awards:

  • International RushDoc Film Festival 2020: Best Human Rights Documentary
  • Altrimondi Film Festival 2020: Special Mention
  • Bridge Film Festival Vancouver 2020: Best Documentary
  • Dramatica Film Festival Barcelona 2020: Best Documentary, Best Photography
  • Benin City Film Festival 2020: Best Documentary
  • The Indie for You 2020: Best Director
  • Rio Independent Film Festival 2020: Best Documentary
  • Vesuvius International Film Festival 2020: Best Social Message Documentary
  • Madras Indipendent Film Festival 2020: Award Winner
  • Spring Film Festival Barcelona 2020: Best Documentary
  • Iconic Images Film Festival 2021: Best Documentary Short
  • Rio Independent Film Festival 2020: Best Documentary Short
  • Vesuvius International Film Festival 2020: Best Social Message Documentary
  • VIP Film Festival 2021: Best Documentary
  • MP Film Awards 2021: Best Short Film

"The day we left Syria, the bombings were as strong as rain ...". Hence the story of Shaima, fleeing the war, kidnapped as a victim of trafficking. Is there still hope? You cannot live without it.
Among stones, deserts, mountains and dust, a group of brave Arab women gives life to Wells of Hope, to give answers to the drama of trafficking, together with the worldwide network Talita Kum. They are women of different religions who live in Lebanon, Jordan, Syria. They move between borders, conflicts and refugees. They want to restore the dignity of the victims and rebuild the dignity of the abused people. The path is not easy, but the determination of these women will open a new way.