original title:
La costituzione entra in fabbrica
directed by:
world sales:
film run:
Ready (10/01/2021)
Approved on May 14th, 1970, entered into force on the 20th of the same month, the Workers' Statute required an unusually long gestation period. It began to be talked about in early 1920, when Filippo Turati, a reformist socialist, introduced a bill in Parliament for the approval of a “Statute” of civil, political, trade union rights. The advent of fascism, however, put the end to any discussion on the subject.
It comes back to talk in 1952 when Giuseppe Di Vittorio, on the eve of the third CGIL Congress, wrote: “…I had decided to submit an idea at the next CGIL Congress [...] we make the “Statute” of the rights of workers within the company. Formulated in a few clear and precise articles, the “Statute” can constitute a general rule for workers and bosses (named even “owner” at that time) within the company ".
However, it will take almost another twenty years and the thrust of 1968 and the workers’ union struggles of the “Hot Autumn” (1969), before The Statute of Workers was approved…
The Statute essentially had three fathers: Giacomo Brodolini, minister of labor from December 1968 to July 11, 1969, his successor Carlo Donat Cattin, who ensured continuity to the project and signed that law; the labor lawyer Gino Giugni, who wrote it and who declared, recalling those months: "It was an exceptional moment, perhaps the only one in the history of law in Italy: it was the first time that jurists did not just carry out their office of" secretaries of the Prince ", by technicians at the service of the institution, but they managed to operate as authentic specialists in social rationalization, elaborating a political proposal of the workers right".
The documentary will talk about all this starting from the end of the second WW using archive materials and interviews with some of the protagonists of those years, among which we remember Giorgio Benvenuto, former secretary-general of the UIL, Franco Liso, lawyer and pupil of Gino Giugni, Tiziano Treu, labor lawyer and former minister of labor, Valerio Castronovo and Giuseppe Berta, industry historians, Stefano Musso, historian of the labor movement, Emanuele Stolfi, journalist and historian, Adriano Serafino, trade unionist of the CISL and Enrico Deaglio, writer and journalist.
May 20th, 1970, is certainly a date not to be forgotten. For the first time, the Italian Constitution crosses the gates of the factories from which it had always been kept away.