The ardour of the shy (first feature)

see also

International Trailer


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The ardour of the shy (L'ardore dei timidi)

The ardour of the shy (L'ardore dei timidi)

original title:

L'ardore dei timidi


Lia Gusein Zadè, Rosalba Di Girolamo, Federica Aiello, Emilio Vacca, Andrea Bruschi, Cinzia Cordella, Giusy Emanuele Iannone, Sara Lupoli, Francesca De Nicolais, Antonio Marfella, Stefano Ferraro, Fabio Rossi


Alessandro Gatto

set design:

Maria Luisa Parlavecchio

costume design:

Alessandra Gaudioso, Fabiana Amato, Maria Luisa Parlavecchio


Ivan Marino






film run:



HD - colour

release date:


festivals & awards:

  • Tiburon International Film Festival 2021
  • Ischia Film Festival 2021: Concorso Scenari Campani
  • Inventa un film 2021: Concorso Oro invisibile – Special Mention
  • Corto e a capo - Premio Mario 2021: Fuori Concorso
  • BCT - Festival Nazionale del Cinema e della Televisione di Benevento 2022: In Concorso
  • Foggia Film Festival 2022: In Concorso

The shy are not in the spotlight, they are at the corner of the frame, they live a little out of time, they do not make news, but when they are driven by their ardour they sow shoots of vitality which give us hope, and perhaps make us find the lost route in this world where often alas only form and appearance mean and content has little weight.

Nowadays those who do not leave in the spotlight are considered losers, but it is not like that. It is much more interesting to follow shy people, who with their actions can overturn this world, make small revolutions capable of stirring apathy and lack of a critical spirit. With this film we tried to tell about the shy people’s small feats.