The chaos sisters feat. Penguin Paul

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The chaos sisters feat. Penguin Paul (Die Chaosschwestern und pinguin Paul)

original title:

Die Chaosschwestern und pinguin Paul

directed by:


Momo Beier, Lilit Serger, Cara Vondey, Rona Regjepi, Giovanni Francesco, Max Giermann, Janine Kunze, Felix Klare, Anton Algrang, Denis Moschitto, Riccardo Angelini, Michael Lott, Anton Algrang, Nuriye Jendroßek, Nikola Kress, Barbara Romaner, Niklas Leifert, Riccardo Campione, Werner Hohenegger


Mike Marzuk, Korbinian Wanderinger


Richard van Oosterhout


Constantin von Seld

set design:

Thomas Pfau

costume design:


Yves Gourmeur, Leslie Clio


blue eyes Fiction, Karibufilm Produktion, MMC Group, Velvet Films, B.A. Produktion, DCM, Filmvergnuegen, BNP Paribas Fortis Film Finance, Proximus TV with the support of Filmförderungsanstalt (FFA), Film- und Medien Stiftung NRW, FilmFernsehFonds Bayern (FFFB), MFG Medien- und Filmgesellschaft Baden-Württemberg, MOIN Filmförderung, IDM Film Commission Südtirol





film run:





Ready (03/01/2024)

festivals & awards:

The chaos has four names. LIVI, TESSA, MALEA and KENNY. The sisters have nothing in common. Except for the surname MARTINI. Which makes each of them more than fine. As you can't choose your family, you have to try to have as little to do with them as possible. But that soon changes. The reason is PAUL. A penguin.
PAUL is kidnapped from the zoo, but manages to escape to the MARTINIS via a circuitous route. The Chaos Sisters find out that a MAGICIAN DUO is behind the kidnapping. They want to make the penguin part of their show in order to revive their faltering career in Las Vegas.The SISTERS realize that they have to stop this plan and take the penguin back to his family at the zoo.
Together with the neighbour boy DENIZ, they set off on an adventurous journey with the penguin.