Gimme my bones

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Gimme my bones (Ridatemi le mie ossa)

Gimme my bones (Ridatemi le mie ossa)

original title:

Ridatemi le mie ossa

directed by:





film run:




release date:


September 18, 1970, San Giovanni Hospital in Rome, delivery room: Elvira gives birth to Leondina in the seventh month of pregnancy. "She had a mountain of black hair and she screamed like an eagle".
Elvira remembers nothing else, and that cry, she never heard again affected her entire existence. Unfortunately Leondina dies 2 hours after childbirth and Elvira is discharged with a coffin, grave and tombstone on the ground...
The path of certain stories is impossible to predict.
In fiction, logic commands, in reality, there is no logic.
At the age of 50 Monica discovered she had 2 lives: in the first she died on September 18, 1970 and in the second she was born on December 22, 1970.
This is the true story of Monica and Elvira.