The Middle Ages

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The Middle Ages

original title:

The Middle Ages

directed by:




Diego Nicoletti, Inka Palombi

world sales:





film run:

6 x 52'




Ready (06/03/2009)

The Middle Ages is a 6 episode film-documentary which focuses on 6 different macro-topics of Medieval times, summarised in the following abstracts. Structure of the series has been contemplated both for the whole set fruition and for the one-episode experience, taking into consideration different and specific curiosities of the viewers:
1. Lights And Shadows: Faith, Science And Magic
A prompt excursus from disaggregation of society after the barbaric invasions and the consolidation of ecclesiastic power. Birth of the monastic orders and begging orders. Astrological practices as synthesis between science and magic: medicine and surgery tied to the study of planets. The condemnation of the Church and the institution of the Inquisition against magical and heretical rituals.
2. Along The Urban Road: Merchants, Craftsmen And Plebeians
The birth of the cities, of the roads and of the administrative buildings up to the overcrowding and the continuous redefinition of the surrounding walls. The new time of merchants, the spread of the currency and the diffusion of commercial exchanges, the appearance of the bankers and the pawnbrokers. The workshops, the taverns, the whorehouses, along with the new castaways, the threat of the plague and the unhealthy streets.
3. Mater Terra: Villages, Ritual And Traditions
The feudal and the court systems, the technologic evolution in agriculture and breeding, the changeover from servants to free farmers. The life in the rural community, the houses, the clothes and the food of the lowest class in the Medieval society. The rush to conquer the land and the peasant revolts, through the crisis of the 14th century up to the rebirth of economics.
4. Bravery, Courage And Courtly Love: Tournaments, Dames And Knights
The hard path towards the investiture to gain the title of knight, the monastic-military-orders, the idealisation of love. Strength and ability challenges, war simulations, duels, and other exhibitions. The clothing of the warriors, the evolution of armours, weapons and war strategies. The role of the Medieval woman, holder of the power behind the scenes.
5. Oppidum Repugnat: Castles, Sieges And Contentions
The castle as elective dwelling place for the lord: strategic position and control above territory. The organization of a Medieval castle, its rooms and its inhabitants. The banquets, the hunting, the market and the feast days. Never-ending months of encampment, war machines, defensive walls, the donjon as the last hideaway.
6. The Medieval Man: Outlook, Culture And Fears
The transition from oral culture to written culture, the importance of symbols in daily life, the divination, the interpretation and the importance of the dreams. The burial practices, the presence of God in every human action and the perception of the netherworld as reward for earthly suffering. The slanderous crafts, the rejects from society and the diseases of the body and the soul.