Land of upright people

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Land of upright people (Il paese delle persone integre)

Land of upright people (Il paese delle persone integre)

original title:

Il paese delle persone integre


Sam’sk LeJah, Yiyé Constant Bazié, Assanata Ouedraogo, Ghost


DocFest, Indyca, in association with Dipartimento Filosofia Comunicazione e Spettacolo Università degli Studi Roma Tre


Italy / Burkina Faso



film run:



colour & b/w


Ready (28/07/2022)

festivals & awards:

October 2014, the capital of Burkina Faso Ouagadougou is the scene of mass demonstrations against a dictatorship in power for 27 years. An unarmed uprising kicks off the dictator and subsequently resists to a coup attempt.
In 2015 the country votes freely for the first time in its history, but the revolution is not followed by a real change, especially regarding economic exploitation of the country by foreign companies.
Today the weakness of the government allows the advancement of Al Qaeda and IS, which has put the region under attack causing thousands of victims and hundreds of thousands of displaced people.
The film follows this process during one year through daily life of four burkinabes made up of resistance and struggle. An engaged musician, a candidate for elections, a miner who is unemployed because of his political commitment, and a mother in a poor and numerous family in the capital Ouagadougou.
All of them share a hope for change that is concentrated in the important polls’ deadline.