Guido che sfidò le Brigate Rosse

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Guido che sfidò le Brigate Rosse

Guido che sfidò le Brigate Rosse

original title:

Guido che sfidò le Brigate Rosse

directed by:


set design:

costume design:


Pianeta Spettacolo, Rai Cinema, ILVA in association with Giuseppe Ferrara and Nuova Cooperativa Doppiaggio





film run:



35mm - colour

release date:


festivals & awards:

  • Villerupt Italian Film Festival 2012: Tribute to Giuseppe Ferrara
  • Globi d'Oro 2008: Special Mention to Pino Donaggio for the Soundtrack
  • Le Visioni Altre 2012: Panorama
  • Festival del Cinema Indipendente di Foggia 2010: 150esimo Anniversario dell’Unità d’Italia
  • Premio Sergio Amidei 2008: Italiana (off)
  • Jeff Film Festival 2007: Panorama
  • Suessola Film Festival 2007: Anteprima Trailer
  • Fondi Film Festival 2007: Immagini dal Lavoro
  • Cervino Cinemountain International Film Festival 2007: In Concorso Film a Soggetto
  • Guerre & Pace Film Fest 2007: Panorama
  • Tuscia Film Fest 2007: Panorama
  • Trento Film Festival a Milano 2007: Panorama
  • BAFF - Busto Arsizio Film Festival 2007: Panorama
  • Giornate del Cinema del Mediterraneo 2006: Panorama
  • Mediterraneo Film Festival 2006: Panorama

The film tells the true story of Guido Rossa, a worker at the Italsider steel plant in Genoa, and the opposition (backed primarily by the Italian Communist Party) to the terrorist Red Brigades, which were extremely active in Genoa in the 1970's. The terrorists sought worker support against the reformist policy of Communist Party leader Berlinguer. Rossa turns in Francesco Berardi, a fellow worker and terrorist accomplice, to the Carabinieri police, testifying at the trial that sends Berardi to prison for more than four years. Unfortunately, Rossa is isolated by the other workers, and on 24 January 1979 he is killed by Red Brigade member Riccardo Dura. But the death of Rossa, whose funeral drew 200,000 outraged workers, marked the repudiation of the Red Brigades by the workers, and thus their political and operational demise.