Taxi lovers (first feature)

original title:

Taxi lovers


set design:

Alessandra Bonanni, Stefano Silva


La Dolce Vita Productions, Quadrifoglio Produzioni





film run:



35mm - colour

release date:


festivals & awards:

  • BUSTO ARSIZIO FILM FESTIVAL: Best Editing, Best Fotography, Best Production

Taxi lovers is a thriller and a love story at the same time. It is performed mainly in Rome and in an island of the Egeo sea at the end. Massimo 30 years old, is a taxi-driver, who let get Giovanna on his car a great clearing woman. They immediately have a confliating relationship which ends in a peculiar complity thanks to alchemie reasons.Giovanna is the daughter of Anghelos a boss of the international organized crime. Giovanna despite her background has a freespirit and feelings. Marco the man she lives with is a minor boss who is attempting to complete a criminal activity about a micro-chip valved a lot of million euros. This activity will about him to become a big boss. Marco commits homicide in the first be shared with Giovanna during the criminal activity. He will loose his life following a dream of a wealth winch be obtained too simply.Giovanna will get the micro-chip after dangerous adventures and she will gain a considerable amount of money by selling it. Only in this way she will be allowed to reach her native greek island.