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Eastwards (Verso est)

Eastwards (Verso est)

original title:

Verso est

directed by:


Antonio Pennarella, Alessandra D'Elia, Predrag Matvejevic’, Hatidza Mehmedovic’, Zehra Deovic’, Diana Hobel, Frederique Loliée, Minka Muftic’, Adis Oric’, Lorenza Pensato



supported by Ministero della Cultura, Il Teatro, Galleria Toledo Productions, supported by Radiotelevizija Bosne i Hercegovine, Istituto per il Mediterraneo Provincia di Lecce MAIE, Film Commission Regione Campania





film run:



HD - colour


Ready (01/04/2008)

festivals & awards:

“EASTWARDS” is the result of a long journey. Bosnia is the focus, with its cumbersome past and its present as much uncertain as controversial. Sarajevo, Mostar, Srebrenica, different solicitations coming out meeting people and their present and past history. Sarajevo is the capital. The memory became its political structure, and lights up consequent opportunities to reflection and debate. Mostar is symbolized by the Old Bridge, heart of a slow beat of a social and political life which fails to heat the peripheral wings of the city still shattered in the reality of ghettos, Croatians and Muslims. And finally Srebrenica, the town of women, the city of pain. 12,000 dead (institutionally they say 8372, but in reality missing people is 4000 more). Every year on 11th of July it takes place the big ceremony for the burying of the hundreds of bodies still found in mass graves newly identified. Hatidza Mehmedovic' is from Srebrenica, she is the main character of the movie. Only she could transmit the emotional charge affecting the director because of her ability to bear mourning (during the genocide of 1995 she lost her only two children, her husband, her brothers, her father..)