original title:
Thyssen Krupp Blues
directed by:
Melita Giambrone
Deriva Film, Esperia Film, BabyDocFilm, with the support of Film Commission Torino Piemonte
film run:
Ready (29/07/2008)
festivals & awards:
Carlo, thirty-years old from Calabria, lives in Turin where he works for the steel plant ThyssenKrupp Acciai Speciali Terni. In April 2007 ThyssenKrupp decides to demolish the Turin plant and the workers’ protests are to invain. However, 4th July is a holiday in Turin and Carlo tells his friend Melita that he is going to have to go back to Calabria if he is to survive. In addition to the feeling of having been used by his employers, he must also renounce his love. In Autumn, the company unexpectedly recalls its workers. If they don’t want to lose their rights to their severance pay, the workers have to do terrible, back-breaking shifts in precarious conditions. Chronicle of a death foretold: all hell breaks out in the Turin ThyssenKrup on the night between December 5th and 6th 2007. A fire breaks out in production line 5 and seven workers are burnt alive. Carlo worked the afternoon shift that day and he receives a telephone call at dawn telling him about the disaster. The factory closes once and for all and Carlo, again penniless, returns to Calabria. His journey back to his place of birth is transformed into a search for identity and his true place in the world. With its encounters and nature, Calabria becomes the mythical place where a man, destroyed by anger, pain and the infernal media circus, tries to find himself.