The Barefoot Humanity

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The Barefoot Humanity (L'umanità scalza)

original title:

L'umanità scalza

directed by:


Alessio Praticò, Americo Melchionda, Alessio Bonaffini, Maria Milasi, Michele Lombardo, Piero Molina, Michele Polimeni, Francesca Barone


Americo Melchionda, Emanuele Milasi



Luigi Sgamba - Kalamu, Antonio Aprile






film run:



HD - colour


Ready (03/02/2012)

festivals & awards:

  • BIFF - Bogotà International Film Festival 2012: Muestra Internacional
  • Cinequest Film & VR Festival 2012: Short Film Competition
  • Istanbul International Short Film Festival 2012: Fiction
  • New York Filmaker's Festival (2012): Best Directing
  • Shqip Film Festival (2012): Jury Prize Mention for the Leading Role Los Angeles Movie Awards (2011): Honorable Mention
  • Kostanzer Kurz film Spiele (2012)
  • Adana Golden Boll Film Festival (2012)
  • Portobello Film Festival London (2012)
  • Festival Internacional de Cine de Pasto (2012)
  • Cyprus International Film Festival (2012)
  • Festival L'écran S'écrit (2012)
  • Festival Internacional Cinematografico de Toluca (2012)
  • Belize International Film festival (2012)
  • Oporto International Short Film Festival (2012)
  • International Short Film Festival of Kerala (2012)
  • Dhaka International Film Festival (2012)
  • Shortini Film Festival (2012)
  • Tarapacà International Film Festival (2012)
  • Efebo Corto Film Festival (2012)
  • Reggio Film Fest (2011): Director Award
  • Dakino International Short Film Festival (2011)
  • Asiana International Short Film Festival (2011)
  • Pilas en Corto Festival Internacional de Cortometrajes (2011)
  • Milazzo International Film Festival (2011)
  • Matildeland International Film Festival (2011)

After 15 years Rosa comes back to Calabria, to the village where she grew up. Her first best friend, Pepè, is a down guy who has waited for her return for years. Now he is waiting for her at the harbor. Because of the inevitable meeting with Mico, Rosa remembers a painful episode of her adolescence, a journey never set out on and a child never born. Pepè is the only one to be with her, he would hold her and not let her go away anymore.