The Bear Tales (first feature)

see also

official site


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The Bear Tales (I racconti dell'orso)

original title:

I racconti dell'orso


Riccardo Magni


Samuele Sestieri, Olmo Amato





film run:




festivals & awards:

  • Sicilia Queer Filmfest 2018: Anteprime
  • 24Frame Film Fest 2016: Platinum Grand Prize
  • IFFR - International Film Festival Rotterdam 2016: Bright Future
  • Trento Film Festival 2016: Proiezioni Speciali
  • Turin Film Festival 2015: Torino 33
  • Il cinema italiano visto da Milano 2016: Amori a prima vista
  • Festival Internacional de Cine de Mérida y Yucatán 2016: Italian Selection
  • Registi fuori dagli sche(r)mi 2016
  • International Shorts Film Festival 2016: Nuove impronte - Audience Award
  • Gallio Film Festival 2016: Jury Prize “Emidio Greco”
  • Italian Film Festival - Bangkok 2016
  • FilmFestival del Garda 2018: in Competition - Jury Prize
  • LongTake Festival 2018: in Competition

In a world abandoned by men, a mechanical monk follows a strange little red man. The two characters see deserts, visit ghost cities and walk in savage woods just to reach a magic hill. They will find an old, battered teddy bear, and this will be the first step of their friendship. Together, they will try with all their might to breathe life into the bear, so to fill the void of their lives.

The Bear Tales is a low-budget production stemmed from a bet – to film a whole movie during a trip from Finland to Norway with a crew of just two elements . Samuele Sestieri and Olmo Amato worked on every part of the movie, from production to direction, from photography to acting. Postproduction took almost two years to be completed, thanks to the help of many collaborators, with funds collected through a Indiegogo crowdfunding campaign.