talent agency or guild: Studio Segre
I want to watch by Stefano Incerti
La chiocciola by Roberto Gasparro
Comandante by Edoardo De Angelis
Diabolik — Who Are You? by Marco Manetti, Antonio Manetti
Come prima by Tommy Weber
Watch Out We’re Mad by Antonio Usbergo, Niccolò Celaia
Bad Poet by Gianluca Jodice
The Judgement by Gianluca Mattei, Mario Sanzullo
The Life ahead by Edoardo Ponti
Lui è mio padre by Roberto Gasparro
Mai per sempre by Fabio Massa
It's a Mad World by Marco Bocci
Romulus & Remus - The First King by Matteo Rovere
Fosca by Maria Chiara Venturini
San Valentino Stories by Antonio Guerriero, Emanuele Palamara, Gennaro Scarpato
the Vice of Hope by Edoardo De Angelis
Falchi - Falcons Special Squad by Toni D'Angelo
Indivisible by Edoardo De Angelis
the Prince of Crime by Alessandro Piva
Tre tocchi by Marco Risi
Mozzarella Stories by Edoardo De Angelis
Giallo? by Antonio Capuano
Angeli dark by Paolo Guglielmotti
Cecilia by Antonio Morabito