talent agency or guild: Karasciò Consulenze Artistiche
Hotel Napoli by Pino Carbone
I saw a king by Giorgia Farina
Arsa by Masbedo
Feeling better by Valerio Mastandrea
High stakes by Giovanni Dota
Superluna by Federico Bondi
Il Boemo by Petr Václav
L'ombra del giorno by Giuseppe Piccioni
Il pataffio by Francesco Lagi
Princess by Roberto De Paolis
Bad Poet by Gianluca Jodice
The Hand of God by Paolo Sorrentino
The Hidden Child by Roberto Andò
The King of Laughter by Mario Martone
Tigers by Ronnie Sandahl
The Walk by Giovanni Maderna
We Still Talk by Pupi Avati
Bad Tales by Damiano D'Innocenzo, Fabio D'Innocenzo
The Beast by Ludovico Di Martino
The Finch Thief by Carlo Luglio
You came back by Stefano Mordini
Laughing by Valerio Mastandrea
Until the end by Giovanni Dota
Happy Days Motel by Francesca Staasch