talent agency or guild: Soli & Associati
Pet shop days by Olmo Schnabel
Grannies on the Run by Laszlo Barbo
Prisoner of my Freedom by Rosario Errico
Agadah by Alberto Rondalli
The Music of Silence by Michael Radford
Quel bravo ragazzo by Enrico Lando
Latin lover by Cristina Comencini
100 metri dal paradiso by Raffaele Verzillo
Ce n'è per tutti by Luciano Melchionna
Caravaggio by Angelo Longoni
Antonio warrior of god by Antonello Belluco, Sandro Cecca
The Stone Merchant by Renzo Martinelli
The Tulse Luper Suitcases - Part I. The Moab Story by Peter Greenaway
The Tulse Luper Suitcases - Part II: Vaux to the Sea by Peter Greenaway
The Tulse Luper Suitcases - Part III. From Sark to Finish by Peter Greenaway