talent agency or guild: IPC International
Watch Out We’re Mad by Antonio Usbergo, Niccolò Celaia
Diabolik by Marco Manetti, Antonio Manetti
Only the living can die by Alberto Rizzi
Don't Stop me Now by Riccardo Milani
Friends will be Friends by Antonello Grimaldi
The End? by Daniele Misischia
It's the Law by Salvatore Ficarra, Valentino Picone
Only for the Weekend by Gianfranco Gaioni aka Director Kobayashi
Song 'e Napule by Marco Manetti, Antonio Manetti
La fuga by Max Croci
Diaz - Don't clean up this Blood by Daniele Vicari
The greatest of them all by Carlo Virzì
Magnificent Presence by Ferzan Ozpetek
The Heir by Michael Zampino
Tutto l'amore del mondo by Riccardo Grandi
Faceboom by Alessandro Capone, Dino Giarruso, Giancarlo Rolandi, Laura Luchetti, Mauro Mancini, Serafino Murri, Emanuele Sana
A Whole Life Ahead by Paolo Virzì
Body image by Marco Simon Puccioni
Passatempo by Francesco Lagi
Too short for sky by Pappi Corsicato