talent agency or guild: Tna
Follemente by Paolo Genovese
Incanto by Pier Paolo Paganelli
Trust by Daniele Luchetti
The First Day of My Life by Paolo Genovese
Una gran voglia di vivere by Michela Andreozzi
Corpo unico by Mia Benedetta
Almost an orphan by Umberto Carteni
Marriages by Paolo Costella
18 Presents by Francesco Amato
What for New Year’s Eve? by Filippo Bologna
The Place by Paolo Genovese
Tiramisù by Fabio De Luigi
Oriana... by Marco Turco
Wondrous Boccaccio by Paolo Taviani, Vittorio Taviani
Tutta colpa di Freud by Paolo Genovese
Magnificent Presence by Ferzan Ozpetek
Steel by Stefano Mordini
The Perfect Life by Lucio Pellegrini
Kiss me again by Gabriele Muccino
At a Glance by Sergio Rubini
When do the girls show up? by Pupi Avati
Paz! by Renato De Maria
With all my heart by Sergio Rubini