talent agency or guild: Studio Emme
Greta e le favole vere by Berardo Carboni
Invisibili by Ambra Principato
The Boy with Pink Pants by Margherita Ferri
Per il mio bene by Mimmo Verdesca
La vita accanto by Marco Tullio Giordana
A freaking wedding by Volfango De Biasi
Mimì – The prince of darkness by Brando De Sica
Nina of the Wolves by Antonio Pisu
America Latina by Damiano D'Innocenzo, Fabio D'Innocenzo
And Suddenly... It’s Christmas by Francesco Patierno
I Am the Abyss by Donato Carrisi
Chi ha incastrato Babbo Natale? by Alessandro Siani
Help! My in-laws are vampires! by Volfango De Biasi
The scent of tangerine by Valentina Zanella
The King’s Musketeers 2 by Giovanni Veronesi
The Goddess of Fortune by Ferzan Ozpetek
The Most Beautiful Day in the World by Alessandro Siani