The negotiator by Alessandro Tonda
Rheingold by Lorenzo Pullega
U.S. Palmese by Marco Manetti, Antonio Manetti
Don't hang up by Manfredi Lucibello
Diabolik — Who Are You? by Marco Manetti, Antonio Manetti
Diabolik — Ginko Attacks! by Marco Manetti, Antonio Manetti
Margins by Niccolò Falsetti
Spotty & me by Cosimo Gomez
The Crypt Monster by Daniele Misischia
Diabolik by Marco Manetti, Antonio Manetti
Bed Number 6 by Milena Cocozza
Ears by Alessandro Aronadio
Imperfect Age by Ulisse Lendaro
Deep in the Wood by Stefano Lodovichi
La dolce arte di esistere by Pietro Reggiani
Short Skin by Duccio Chiarini
The Bookmakers by Alessandro Tonda
Illogo by Tommaso Del Signore
Il volto dell'anima by Denise Dacquì
Ira funesta by Gianluca Viti
Asquared by Stefano Lodovichi
One life, maybe two by Alessandro Aronadio