talent agency or guild: A.C.M.F. Associazione Compositori Musica per Film
Pink Lady by Nir Bergman
Me Contro Te - Operazione spie by Gianluca Leuzzi
Here we are by Nir Bergman
Under the Amalfi Sun by Martina Pastori
Marta-murder at the Rome university by Simone Manetti
Michelangelo - Endless by Emanuele Imbucci
Raphael – The Lord of the Arts, 3D by Luca Viotto
I babysitter by Giovanni Bognetti
St Peter's and the Papal Basilicas of Rome 3D by Luca Viotto
Florence and the Uffizi Gallery 3D by Luca Viotto
Evil Things by Simone Gandolfo