Washington, Italia - The Kimbo Italian Film Festival

Washington, Italia - The Kimbo Italian Film Festival

The movie ‘Private’ conquers the Americans of Washington. A full house with a long ovation at the Italian Film Festival. And now everybody to the 10th Capri, Hollywood Film Fest. Washington 10/16/05 – Eight minutes of applause from almost 400 spectators at the Loews Georgetown theatre finished off the screening of Saverio Costanzo’s film ‘Private,’ with every aspect of the special showing being a success for the “little epic” which was co-produced by the Luce Institute and is to be distributed in American theatres by Arab Film. The brilliant showing of ‘Private,’ which was enhanced through the presence of the President of Cinecittà Holding, Carlo Fuscagni, alongside actor Franco Nero, as well as several Italian journalists (while, at the Washington Hilton Hotel, more than three thousand Italian-Americans celebrated the thirtieth anniversary of NIAF) reopened questions about the exclusion of Costanzo’s film from the 2006 Oscar race for best foreign language film. “It’s not possible. I don’t believe that this is the reason for the elimination of ‘Private,’” commented actor Danny Aiello (previously an Oscar candidate for Spike Lee’s ‘Do The Right Thing’) to an Italian journalist that believes his opinion to be well merited. “Dear God: “I hope for Costanzo the same type of miracle that befell Benigni with ‘Life is Beautiful,’ concluded Connie Stevens, legendary “queen” of Las Vegas spectacle.

Prior to the screening of ‘Private,’ there was also great satisfaction for director Lamberto Lambertini, who was there for the American premiere of his film ‘Fire in my Heart’ (starring Omar Sharif), which was followed by the applause of 200 spectators. “I am truly emotionally struck by the reaction of the people,” said the Neapolitan director, continuing, “I must confess that I did not expect much from the Americans. The test of Washington, following the premiere at the Venice Film Festival, is like finding light after a long journey in the dark.” One of the final events on the schedule was the American premiere of Franco Battiato’s film ‘Musikaten,’ a film that received a tepid response at Venice but was strongly appreciated in America for the extraordinary interpretation by Alejandro Jodorowski in the role of legendary musician Ludwig Von Beethoven. Other notable events at the festival included the film ‘Forever Blues,’ directed and interpreted by Franco Nero, and ‘Cecenia: Tblisi, Antonio Russo October 16 2000,” featuring actor Gianmarco Tognazzi. The event, produced by the Capri in the World Institute with Cinecittà Holding, Rai Trade, Caffè Kimbo, and the Chamber of Commerce of Naples, ended with the special screening of Roberto Faenza’s “According to Pereira,” ending the festival’s tributes to both the director and legendary actor Marcello Mastroianni. At the end of the event Pascal Vicedomini, producer of the event and secretary general of the non-profit organization from Capri, confirmed to the public (comprised of over 5,000 spectators over the course of 36 screenings in the span of 6 days) the dates of his next event, the tenth edition of ‘Capri, Hollywood – The Kimbo International Film Festival,’ scheduled for the island of Tiberius from December 27 through January 2 (www.caprihollywood.com).