DAMASCUS, BEIRUT, TRIPOLI, ALGIERS, TUNIS, RABAT are the stopovers on the tour which will circulate Italian cinema masterworks and contemporary films, subtitled in Arabic, throughout the Arab countries in a review entitled “from Damascus to Rabat” Italian cinema in six Mediterranean capitals”.
The project is also concerned with the revitalization of two-sided coproduction agreements
between Italy and the 6 countries involved in the active program. For this purpose, each and every time, the representatives of Italian cinema both public and private, will meet with generally a young audience as well as representatives from the film industry of the hosting countries.
Algiers is the first stopover of this project, with the Italian Cinema Week which will take place starting November 27 through December 4, 2005.
Andrea Occhipinti, producer and distributor (Lucky Red) and Giovanni Galoppi,AIP-FilmItalia president, will together with the president of the MEDFILMfestival, Ginella Vocca, accompany the seven Italian films, subtitled in Arabic, which have been chosen for this review:
C’era una volta il West, The Last Emperor, Indagine su un cittadino al di sopra di ogni sospetto, Tre uomini e una gamba, The Ignorant Fairies, The Soul’s Haven, Buongiorno notte.