SANGUE by Libero De Rienzo is the winner at the Brooklyn International Film Festival

SANGUE by Libero De Rienzo is the winner at the Brooklyn International Film Festival

Sangue - La morte non esiste by Libero De Rienzo wins Best Feature award and special jury prize Grand Chameleon Award at the Brooklyn International Film Festival. Spike Lee is an Advisory Board member of this Festival dedicated to New York Independent film.
“This International acknowledgement which I dedicate to all of my team, gives me new energies . Maybe only a crazy city like New York can fully embrace such madness made with love and hard work." are the words used by young director Libero De Rienzo in his acceptance speech.
The Brooklyn International Film Festival started nine years ago in the most familiar area of New York seen on film.
It is a showcase designed to promote and present works by Independent filmmakers on the American market, dedicated to first and second feature films.
The Festival programme includes an International competition dedicated to feature length films which include the following sections: fiction, documentary, experimental and animation.
Since 2002 the Brooklyn Film Festival takes place at the Brooklyn Museum.