Machan and La casa sulle nuvole are triumphant at the Brussels Film Festival

Machan and
La casa sulle nuvole are triumphant at the Brussels Film Festival

The two Italian films, Machan by Uberto Pasolini and La casa sulle nuvole by Claudio Giovannesi, receive the major awards at the latest Brussels Festival of European Cinema .
Among the 14 films in competition, first and second feature films, Machan was nominated for Best picture receiving the "Golden Iris Award” as well as "The RTBF TV award for Best Film" for the following reason, quote: « It is often said that the best stories are written by real life. But it needs a director who is able to tell the story for cinema. Director Uberto Pasolini (and his co-writer Ruwanthie de Chickera) and a great ensemble cast of Sri Lankan actors tell the story in a unique way. A warm hearted, human, incredibly funny film which never forgets the tragedy behind the story… Chapeau Uberto Pasolini!»;
while La casa sulle nuvole, received the Special Jury Prize for the following reason, quote: « Le jury a tenu à attribuer une mention spéciale à ce premier film touchant et plein de promesses. Par cette mention, le jury a voulu souligner l’excellence des comédiens ainsi que l’humanité qui se dégage de ce film, notamment à travers des relations père/fils complexes et intenses. »