The Business Street, in collaboration with Cinecittà Luce - Filmitalia and Unefa, will present the sixth edition of the “Italian Screenings”: a special two-day event highlighting the latest Italian film productions with screenings held exclusively for the International buyers registered to The Business Street in Rome.
The “IS” will run from October the 29th through October the 30th 2010, giving an exceptional opportunity to International buyers to discover 27 brand new Italian titles, of which 25 are Market Premieres.
Please feel free to contact us for any further information.
The Business Street
Francesca Palleschi +3906 40401921
Markus Duffner +3906 40401765
Cinecittà Luce – Filmitalia
Raffaella Bianchi +3906 72286328
Monique Catalino +3906 72286334
Raffaella Pileggi + 3906 8080827
6th Italian Screenings: The Program
20 Sigarette / 20 Cigarettes
Dalla vita in poi / From the Waist on
Et in Terra Pax / And Peace on Earth
Figli delle stelle / Sons of the Stars
Hai paura del buio / Afraid of the Dark
Il padre e lo straniero / The Father and the Foreigner
Il Primo incarico / The First Assignment
Into Paradiso
Io sono con te / I am with you
L'Amore buio / Dark Love
La Passione / The Passion
La pecora nera / The Black Sheep
La prima cosa bella / The First Beautiful Thing
La scomparsa Di Patò / The Vanishing of Patò
La solitudine dei numeri primi / The Solitude of Prime Numbers
Le cose che restano / Longlasting Youth
L'estate di Martino / Martino's Summer
Le ultime 56 ore / Dirty War
Malavoglia / The House by the Medlar Tree
Noi Credevamo / We believed
Una sconfinata giovinezza / A Second Childhood
Una vita tranquilla / A Quiet Life