Italy tops Berlinale

Awards to Tavianis and Vicari

Italy tops Berlinale

The International Jury of the 62. Berlinale, composed by Mike Leigh (President), Anton Corbijn, Asghar Farhadi, Charlotte Gainsbourg, Jake Gyllenhaal, François Ozon, Boualem Sansal e Barbara Sukowa, awarded the Golden Bear to CESARE DEVE MORIRE by Paolo & Vittorio Taviani. Rai Trade already sold the film to more than 20 countries, including U.S. (Adopt Films), France (Bellissima), Spain (Golem), and Australia (Palace). The film also received the Ecumenical Jury Prize.
In Panorama, DIAZ by Daniele Vicari (sales Fandango Portobello) got the secondo position at the Audience Award.
Last Golden Bear was won in 1991 by Marco Ferreri with La casa del sorriso (The House of Smiles).