Selections for Karlovy Vary and Munich in April

Deadlines: March 30th and April 10th

Selections for Karlovy Vary and Munich in April

in April Istituto Luce – Cinecittà, Filmitalia Dept., will host the selections for the Karlovy Vary International Film Festival and for the Filmfest München:

51° Karlovy Vary International Film Festival, July 1st – 9th, 2016
programmer: Eva Zaoralova (Artistic Consultant)
selections: Rome, April 5th - 7th
Submitted feature-length fiction films: - must not have been released (including festival screenings, DVD release, or television or internet broadcast) outside its country of origin before September 1, 2015 (i.e. the film did not have its International Premiere before September 1, 2015). - must be over 60 minutes in length. Submitted feature-length documentary films: - must be World, International or European premieres in order to be considered for the program. - must be over 60 minutes in length.
The Festival does not accept submissions of short and medium-length films (up to 60 minutes). In addition, any films which are solely promotional, educational or scientific in nature are not eligible for selection by the Festival.
The production submitted must have been completed within the twelve months prior to the starting date of the festival.
Materials for submissions: DVD or Bluray, if possible together with a technical data or publicity material. The English subtitles are not necessary for the selections.
Submission:  we kindky ask you to send the screening material no later than March 30th, to the following address, specifying: “Karlovy Vary IFF Selections”, Catalino/ Allegrucci
Istituto Luce – Cinecittà / Filmitalia
Via Tuscolana 1055 – 00173 Roma, Italy
Contacts for the KVIFF selections: Monique Catalino tel. +39 0672286334, Erika Allegrucci tel. +3906 72286289)

34° Filmfest München, June 23rd - July 2nd, 2016
programmer: Christoph Gröner
selections: Rome, April 20th - 21st
Regulations: the participation is open to the films produced after July 1, 2015.
Materials for submissions: : DVD if possible together with a technical data or publicity material. The English subtitles are not necessary for the selections.
Submission: it is not necessary to register the film, but we kindly ask you to send the DVDs or links no later than April 10 to the following address, specifying ‘Filmfest Munchen Selections’:
Contact for the Filmfest Munchen Selections: Monica Moscato tel. +39 0672286258.