Chi nasce tondo (second feature)

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Chi nasce tondo

Chi nasce tondo

original title:

Chi nasce tondo

directed by:


set design:

costume design:


Digital Desk, Istituto Luce, Rai Cinema, supported by Assessorato alle Politiche Educative e Scolastiche del Comune di Roma





film run:



35mm - colour

release date:


Mario and Righetto, two cousins in their thirties, are desperate to find their grandmother Italia, a lady of well past eighty, who has escaped from Villa Quiete, her rest home, after emptying the cashbox. Mario must keep his fiancée Flaminia and her family from learning of the crime: Flaminia’s father owns a company that manufactures burglar alarms, and Mario manages his sales office … Righetto, on the other hand, is a fast talker who takes over and runs old, abandoned buildings, renting them out at exorbitant prices to people from all over Italy and the rest of the world with no place to stay. After five years in which they have not exchanged a word, Mario suddenly shows up at one of his cousin’s “requisitioned” buildings, looking for help in finding their grandmother. During the search, in a modern-day Rome with an old-fashioned atmosphere, the two cousins run into a series of unexpected characters who belong to Grandma Italia’s turbulent past …